10 Tips for Aging Empowered
1. Intentional Be intentional about what you want to eat and when / how you want to move. 2. Mindful Notice how you are feeling when you are eating and moving. 3. Lift Add or increase resistance training. 4. Train for Power. Power is independence. 5. Think Movement alleviates symptoms of brain fog. 6. Fun […]
Nutrition Timing Worksheet
This document put out by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association can help you with your nutrition to support your exercise

What to do for Heart Month
Want to save a life?
Take it Outside!
Cardio intervals are important for heart health and promoting longevity! They not only burn calories and boost your metabolism, but improve the health of your blood vessels and your heart. Stability is important for strength and power. We use strength and power daily when we do simple activities like getting out of our chairs or […]

Resistance Training: Why and What
Resistance training is important to your health.
Exercising with Resistance Band #1
Resistance bands go anywhere and are cheap!

Hate Crunches? Try these core exercises!
Work your abs the way they were meant to be worked!

Women’s Wellness: Your Guide to Navigating Menopause.
have put together a workbook that targets some of the most common menopause symptoms and gives you tips to manage them

Five Heart Healthy Breakfast Options for on the Go!
You can still get a heart healthy breakfast for on the go- no frozen processed food required, or allowed.

This One is for the Ladies
Having Trouble Losing Weight?