Heart to Hartman

Health Guide for Congenital Heart Disease

Are you stressed? Anxious? Try exercise!

Although stress and anxiety are different, exercise can benefit both! In this day and age, even those of us who are not usually stressed day to day or anxious about events, find ourselves struggling to stay calm. Indeed, even some universities are offering the Calm app for free for their students. We are worried about the education of our youth, our livelihoods and our health. Beginning a program of moderate exercise like walking, biking, swimming or a light circuit training, can have tremendous benefits.

What do we know about exercise and stress? You have probably heard of fight, flight or freeze – the body’s stress response mechanism. This stress response mechanism releases hormones to increase heart rate, blood pressure and glucose into the blood stream. Exercise has a similar effect on the body, but unlike stress, exercise causes the body to use that extra glucose. When we are under chronic stress, these hormones remain high and can be harmful to our health. Exercise helps develop what is known as the cross-stressor adaptation to stress. This hypothesis states that regular exercise of a significant intensity and duration ( see the post How to calculate your working heart rate based on your goals) can lead to changes in the reactivity of the stress response system. Thus regular exercise can reduce the negative effects of stress on our bodies and minds. Research does show that people report feeling less stressed after a single bout of exercise and less stress in general when they are physically active. To keep the exercise itself from adding stress to your life, pick the time that is most convenient for you and do what you enjoy.

Anxiety is a little different than stress.  Anxiety can be classified as trait, when you are overly worried about things most of the time, and the worry is disproportionate to the actual threat, for example General Anxiety Disorder.  State anxiety is when certain things make you anxious, like going in for a cardiac procedure. 😊 Treating anxiety can be costly and studies show that exercise is as effective and, in some cases, more effective than medication.  Exercise can prevent and treat anxiety. Those who say they engage in regular physical activity, record less feeling of anxiety and better overall mental health.

What’s the “take home” message? Find some time to do some exercise that you love. Pay attention to how you feel and give yourself a break!

It is not uncommon to experience anxiety, especially when it concerns to living with your CHD and treatment. When your anxiety goes beyond what can be managed with exercise, do not hesitate to get professional help. There is no need to suffer. A therapist who is specifically trained to deal with medical trauma can help you. The one I refer to all the time is Dr. Corinne Smorra. Visit her website, Heart and Mind Counseling LLC. She has experience specific to us CHDers.

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8 thoughts on “Are you stressed? Anxious? Try exercise!

  1. Anxiety is my biggest nemesis. I have been prescribed medications for it before and it left me feeling like I was a shell of a person, didn’t care about anything and had zero personality. Exercise has been the absolute best medicine for me to control my anxiety, and depending on the level I am at will depend on what type of exercise I do. If I am over the top on the verge of having a panic/anxiety attack I know I need to slow myself down, so yoga and meditation, as a means of day to day control I like to lift heavy!!!!

  2. It’s interesting how the body’s response to stress is the same regardless of source. Distress or exercise…same physiological mechanism. This article brought light to the key difference, exercise USES the extra glucose. The very reason for the stress response mechanism is to produce energy for action. Makes sense that exercise counteracts the effects of stress.

  3. Definitely regular exercise is a great way to combat anxiety and stress and it is amazing how our bodies react to stress or anxiety. Personally, I have returned to exercising and I feel that the change of mind and the perspective of seeing life; day to day; it is much more positive. The change or the stress or anxiety levels decreased and now I feel much more active.

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